Our research unit

We conduct fundamental and applied research in three major disciplinary fields: behavioral biology and neuroendocrinology, systems biology and modeling, and reproductive biology. We are studying many original animal models, domestic species (cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs and poultry) and model species (rats, mice, quails). Collaboration with the National Museum of Natural History enables applications to be extended to wild species. The UMR PRC has the dual mission of advancing scientific knowledge at the most fundamental level and of answering scientific questions raised by societal issues in connection with various socio-economic players in the animal production and human health sectors.

Behavioral Biology / Neuroendocrinology

Our research aims to identify the physiological, emotional and cognitive bases of behavior as well as the neuroendocrine mechanisms involved in the regulation of reproductive function. This research requires a multidisciplinary approach combining ethology, experimental psychology, endocrinology, neurobiology and imaging. Our work provides food for thought around ethics and animal welfare. They also aim to understand the neuroendocrine mechanisms involved in response to variations in the environment in order to assess the adaptive capacities of farm animals and to promote sustainable farming systems.

Systems Biology and Modeling

Our research is interested in signaling mechanisms at the cellular level. In order to take into account the complexity of the mechanisms involved, systems biology approaches combining experimental data, bioinformatic predictions and mathematical modeling are implemented.

Reproductive Biology

Our research aims to understand the biological mechanisms of ovarian function in mammals, from basal folliculogenesis to ovulation, to decipher the dialogue between somatic cells and gametes and the embryo and to study the functional consequences. of these interactions on the various stages which precede implantation (differentiation and transport of the spermatozoon in the male and female tract, fertilization, early development). To achieve this, molecular and cellular biology strategies are being developed in various mammalian and avian models. The crossing of these approaches and models makes it possible to obtain an integrated and comparative view of these events and their functional consequences on fertility and the development of the phenotype.

The PRC is a partner of Labex Mabimprove, ARD Biomedicines of the Centre Val de Loire region and the PIA CRB-Anim infrastructure. The UMR is a member of GDR 3606 Repro, GDR 2017 Mémoire and SFR FED 4226 Neuroimagerie.


The UMR comprises:

8 research teams

Team Cognition, Ethology, Animal Welfare

Team GPCR Signaling Systems Biology

Team NeuroEthology and Social Cognition

Team Energy sensor and Reproductive Signaling

Team Intégration Neuroendocrine de la Reproduction et des Comportements

Team Integrative Biology of Gonads

Team Molecular Neuroendocrinology of Reproduction

Team Cellular Interactions and Fertility

1 plateform


Phenotyping & in/ex vivo Imaging from Animal to the Molecule

and 3 technical platforms


Phenotyping and Endocrinology Lab


Cellular Imaging


Support and Reflection in Scientific Computing

Redactor: Direction de la PRC

Matthieu Keller
